Web Design Cape Town & Web Development

Why Web2Web are the perfect partners for your website development!

With over 10 years of experience in the field of design, branding and custom website development, our team of creatives and developers ensure that every website we put into the market is underpinned by these 5 pillars for success:

  • User-orientated design and experience
  • Fast page loads and overall performance
  • The ability to scale up with your business growth
  • Choosing the best framework for your business
  • Security! Security! Security!

As a savvy business owner this opens two critical lines of thinking…

  • How many sales opportunities and enquiries into your services have been lost for the sake of a few seconds?
  • What growth opportunities exist in your niche should you be the one business that does it the right way?
Laravel Application & Web Development Company

Quality Web Design Cape Town & Web Development

As a business owner, there is one inescapable truth in the current climate – you need a website! The days of offering good service and having a great product simply aren’t enough to guarantee your success.

Whether you are the proud owner of a craft beer enterprise, are looking to expand the customer base of your plumbing business or you need to promote yourself as a life coach, you are going to hear that fateful question: “Do you have a website?”

Websites now play an increasingly important role in how your business, your services and even you are perceived by potential customers. A slow loading, poorly designed, low-quality website will leave behind a negative impression. While a well-designed, fast loading, content-rich website goes a long way towards positioning you as the expert in your field, someone worth doing business with.

Why Web2Web are the perfect partners for your website development!

With over 10 years of experience in the field of design, branding and custom website development, our team of creatives and developers ensure that every website we put into the market is underpinned by these 5 pillars for success:

  • User-orientated design and experience
  • Fast page loads and overall performance
  • The ability to scale up with your business growth
  • Choosing the best framework for your business
  • Security! Security! Security!

Your Website is Your ‘Digital’ Handshake – Make It Count

We know not to judge a book by its cover but the fact remains that until we have a deeper personal insight into a person, product or company the “cover” is all we have to base our decisions on. The same is true for your business – every customer touchpoint you fail to make a positive impression on creates an opportunity for a competitor to steal away revenue from your business.

Did you know that thanks to on-demand services like Netflix, instant news updates through Twitter and Facebook, and with the ability to access all of this on their mobile phones the average consumer expects a website to load in 2 seconds or less? According to a study by Akamai.com in cases where a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load, 40% of your customers will abandon your site and seek out a competitor!

Expert Team of Website Developers and Website Designers

You can rest assured that your website will present your products and services in an elegant, easy to use manner that will guide your traffic from visitors to customers. At the same time, it will meet the exacting standards required by Google and other traffic providers to ensure your Search Engine Optimisation strategy and Social Media Marketing & Management Services have the best chance of success.
